0832-2633380   vpshristhal380@rediffmail.com
  Vadamole Shristhal canacona Goa

Biodiversity Management Committee

Biodiversity Management Committee in V.P. Shristhal Canacona

Sr.noName and AddressCategoryMobile
1Shri. Vinay M. Tubki r/o MaithalChairmen9421280513
2Smt. Anjali ArjunGaonkar r/o GulemMembers9765666380
3Smt. Chanda Dinesh Desai r/o BhatpalMembers9850963153
4Shri. Shirish G. Pai r/o MokhardMembers9421152212
5Shri. Govind Bamto Velip r/o NuvemMembers7875048497
6Shri. Damodar Vasant Chari r/o ChapoliMembers9158200679

Shri. Sushant V. Lolayekar r/o Mashem



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