What We offer
Village Panchayat Shristhal

Shristhal Shristhal is a Village in Canacona Taluk in South Goa District of Goa State, India. It is located 37 KM towards South from District head quarters Margao. 70 KM from State capital Panaji Shristhal Pin code is 403702 and postal head office is Canacona. Shristhal is surrounded by Uttar Kannad Taluk towards South , Karwar Taluk towards South , Quepem Taluk towards North , Salcete Taluk towards North. Karwar , Curchorem Cacora , Madgaon , Margao are the nearby Cities to Shristhal. It is near to arabian sea. There is a chance of humidity in the weather. Demographics of Shristhal Konkani is the Local Language here.
Online Forms Available
Birth & Death Certificate
Residence Certificate
Income Certificate
Self Declration
Permission of repair of buildings
Garbage Management Project
“Garbage collection in these areas will follow a door-to-door model. The panchayats have set up Dry Waste collection Centers. In villages though, there was a time when people would turn their waste into natural fertilizer for their gardens. But now, the plastic menace has crept into villages too, so it will take a few years for the move to become a reality”.

Citizens can access various government services at any time without visiting any government office through Goa Online e-service portal
Goa Sarkari Yojana list 2021 and latest updates and news about new and upcoming social welfare schemes of Goa Government in 2021
From Sarpanch's Desk
As a Sarpanch of the Shristal village panchayat, I take the honor to release of newly developed official website for the betterment of the people. With our website, citizens of the Shristal village panchayat can easily download the forms and require information on just a single click. It is a very convenient and time-saving way, where people save the time of travel to the panchayat just to collect the form. You can also get entire details about the schemes and the services we offer on our official website.
After the launch of our website, I assure you that our website will be live 24*7 throughout the year with the regular updates. I appeal to all audiences to visit our official website and appreciate the work of the staff in maintaining the website up-to-date with the latest functions and the happenings.